Through articles and quotes from this author and others,this blog hopes to encourage people in two areas.
One,is to appreciate and cherish each moment of every single day.Jesus is quoted in the sixth chapter of Matthew as saying,"do not worry about tomorrow,for tomorrow will worry about it's own things.Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble." A friend told me once many years ago that everyone is a diagnosis or an accident away from remembering what is really important in this life.In the world we live,it is very easy to get so caught up in having things and making more money to have and pay for yet more things,that we neglect relationships and the beauty of everything that lies around us.
The second thing this site wants to encourage, is reaching out and helping others.The title from this blog is inspired from the Epistle of James which says:"For as the body without the Spirit is dead,Faith without works is dead also." There are so many who are neglected and in need these days,it only takes a trip to an assisted living center,hospital or nursing home to see this.Frankly,I never cease to be amazed at how people who profess to be religious, and many churches also, seem to have forgotten about this "mission field." One only has to recall Jesus' words--"as you've done it unto the least of them, you've done it unto me."Helping others is not only what we should do, but it gives an individual such a personal joy in performing the seemingly simplest acts of charity.
I would add, that although I am a christian,this site will quote people of other faiths.Those preoccupied with "doctrinal purity" as it pertains to christianity, may be better served by perusing the thousands of sites relating to that area.With that said,I believe what you will read on this blog will inform, inspire and encourage you.New posts by myself will come out 2 or 3 times a week,the other days I will provide an introduction to excerpts from other authors.
Brother David