There are two common reasons why people say they "don't believe" or can't accept any type of Christian faith.One, is that they will invariably cite indiscretions committed by clergy such as sexual immorality,greed,arrogance,hypocrisy,exploitation of people,etc.
Another explanation,is that there have been wars and conflicts throughout history that have been initiated in the name of a particular faith. Now no one can deny that terrible things have been done in the name of religion or by religious people.But, there is a flaw in this rationale for rejecting a belief system, and that is,you can't confuse what's been done in the name of religion with having faith.Man,in his sinful,selfish human nature, will from time to time do things in an attempt to get what he desires.
Sadly,this has been done throughout time under the guise of religion.At the heart of the Christian faith is the belief in what Jesus' sacrifice was and what it meant,it also means having a personal relationship with Him.This relationship is given by His grace to those who earnestly desire and seek it. A far too common error occurs when people look to a man or a particular denomination to do it for them.Being a member of a certain church or following some earthly man is not going to guarantee you eternal life.All men and churches are flawed to one degree or another.When you put all your "faith" in them, you may very well end up being led astray and profoundly disillusioned.We must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
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