"What greater or more wonderful spectacle is there,or where can human reason better enter into a dialogue with the nature of things,than when seeds have been planted,shoots laid out,shrubs transplanted,grafts inserted.It is as though one were questioning each root and seed,asking it what it can do and what it cannot do; whence it provides the power to do it,or why it cannot do it; what help it receives from it's own interior power,and what from exterior help and diligence.And in this dialogue we come to understand how neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything,but God who giveth the increase.For that work which is applied exteriorly is fruitful only by the action of Him who created and ruled and ordered all from within."(by St.Augustine.)
What better way to heighten our reality of God and the wonder of His creation than by planting a garden from seed.It doesn't matter if it's a window garden or a small one planted in your backyard.In these modern times,it's easy to forget about the miracle of new life being borne from a seed placed in the soil and nutured by the sun and water.There is a peace and satisfaction that comes from tending to your garden daily.
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