"There should be at least a room,or some corner where no one will find you and disturb you or notice you.You should be able to untether yourself from the world and set yourself free,loosing all fine strings from the world and set yourself free,loosing all the fine strings and strands of tension that bind you,by sight,by sound,by thought,to the presence of other men."(from New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton).
"Behold,I stand at the door and knock;if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."(from Revelation,chapter three,verse twenty).
"Mary Magdalene.....when she sat weeping at the tomb and thought the Lord standing before her was the gardener,....kept begging him to give her the body of Jesus that she might wrap it in a shroud.He called her by name and immediately she recognized him.How often have we stood weeping looking far away up to heaven where we think the Lord Jesus lives! He is present and standing before us,and all that prevents us from encountering Him is our heart's lack of perception.He never stops calling us by name;nothing prevents us from hearing His voice but our preoccupation with our own daily problems."(by Matthew the Poor from The Communion of Love).
A recurrent theme in many of this site's previous postings has been about the need for those of faith to free themselves of man-made distractions.We must do this daily in order to preserve our mental, as well as spiritual health.How can we commune with Him when our mind is thinking of so many things and where are enviroment is anything but quiet?
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