"The onlly thing that can save the world from complete moral collapse is a spiritual revolution.Christianity,by it's very nature,demands such a revolution.If Christians would all live up to what they profess to believe,the revolution would happen."
(Thomas Merton,from The Ascent To Truth.)
The key word here is if. If.... Christians,and those who claim to be committed to a faith,would live up to what they profess to believe.Just think...if, if all Christians really heeded Jesus' words in Matthew chapter seven,verse twelve:"Therefore,however you want people to treat you,so treat them....",what a different world this would be. Faith without works,means you have no faith.It seems that in this day and age,in houses of worship,there is far too much emphasis on growth.In addition,activities tend to be centered within the congregation,not towards reaching out.I think of the underpublicized tragedy in this country which is the neglect of those in nursing homes and assisted living centers.What an opporturtunity there is for people of faith. Simple things, like a visit and just talking to someone can bring so much joy and comfort.
As people of faith we must sometimes leave our comfort zones.It's time to start the revolution.
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