"What is man that you are mindful of him,For You have made him a little lower than the angels,And you have crowned him with glory and honor.You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands;You have put all things under his feet."
(Psalm 8,verses 4,5,and 6).
Saving the planet from destruction by pollution,global warming and other man made designs has become "the cause" in recent years.Who can argue that this is not indeed a noble cause? The beauty of this earth is stunning.The evidence that there was a creator of it all is inescapable.We need only to see how nature,plants,animals,the seas and man are interconnected and dependent on each other for their continued existence.However, what is overlooked in today's push to save our earth is that we were given dominion over everything God created.Out of respect and love for the One who made us a little lower than angels,we should seek to protect and preserve His creation.Sadly,the motivation for doing so that you hear today is something like,"so our children's children will have a planet to live on." This sounds good on the surface but is a self centered statement that ignores the fact that God made everything and man has been given the responsibility to care for it.Doing so should be a labor of love for Our Lord.
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