"The dread of being open to the ideas of others generally comes from our hidden insecurity about our own convictions."(quote by Thomas Merton from Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh by Robert H.King)
"While speaking with others,do not hope or pray not to be disagreed with.Without disagreement,self-righteousness can flourish."(a quote attributed to Thich Nhat Hanh from The Sutra on The Eight Realizations).
A United Nations census published in the mid-nineties stated that there were twenty-five thousand plus Protestant denominations and sects in the world today.We know two things from this,one, is that these denominations hold to a varying array of doctrines and beliefs.Secondly, the majority of these groups believe they have a higher degree of truth within their organization then the others do.Who can deny that each new denomination or sect that has come into existence over the centuries, has been borne from a popular founder's interpretation of scripture?
Nothing can separate people of faith quicker than disagreements over what they believe or don't believe.What many have come to accept as their doctrinal beliefs, often become more than just something they choose to believe.It also comes to include; who they are personally, as well as how they view life,the world,death,those of their own faith, and those of other faiths.
Keep in mind that all Christian faiths are flawed because they were founded by, and are composed of, carnal human beings.Differences in beliefs on doctrine are inevitable. However,the one doctrine that can't be disputed is the redemptive work of Our Lord and Saviour.
We must not forget, that understanding and a willingness to listen to others is an important component of someone who says they are Christian.Keep in mind the quotes at the beginning of this article,we must not be afraid to be challenged on what we believe.We also need to understand that there is more to what comprises a person's beliefs than it just being their opinion.
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