Then Jesus called a little child to Him,set him in the midst of them,and said,"Assuredly I say to you,unless you are converted and become as little children,you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven.Therefore,whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."
(Gospel of St.Matthew,Chapter 18).
Jesus says much in these three verses about what is needed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.We must be like a child as it pertains to our faith;totally trusting and dependent on the words and person of Jesus.How different that is when you compare these verses to what too often passes for faith today.Some Christian denominations and "theologians" have helped turn faith into something that is complex,where there seems to be a dispute over every jot and tittle of scripture.For instance,hundreds of books have been written arguing whether or not there will be a pre-trib or post-trib rapture.In the grand scheme of things,does it really matter? Where does it rate when compared to the necessity of say,a Christian loving his enemies and the necessity of his bearing the fruit of his faith? Granted,there are the essentials of Christian doctrine that cannot be ignored or compromised,but, a preoccupation with every minute passage of scripture does not foster a child-like faith.Too many people have been made miserable by what they perceive as as the demands of their faith.Could this be because they fail to recognize the need to "become as a child"?
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