I was told today that the week we are now in is National Nurses Week.Anyone who has spent more than a few days in a hospital or health care facility recognizes that being hospitalized these days can be a most difficult experience.I am not just referring here to the physical problem that led you or a loved one to be hospitalized.Financial concerns and issues have caused hospitals to change in ways that have not necessarily been favorable for the patient.In addition,the face of nursing has changed.At one time,the overwhelming reason that people became nurses was to help others.Now,studies show that money is the chief motivating factor.Nursing does indeed pay well,but we all know that when money is the incentive in a vocation whose focus is on people,something is lost.
If you are ever hospitalized,it is always a blessing to have someone who genuinely cares for your well being looking after you; a person who is able to put aside the reality that they are working with not enough support staff and still focus on your condition.One of the hardest things for someone who has been a nurse for a while and works in the demanding enviroment of a health care facility, is not to lose empathy for the patient.It is vital that they don't lose sight of the fact that although this person may be one of many they'll see today,they will recognize that they are in need physically,emotionally and spiritually.Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew chapter 25,that when you help those who are sick,in jail, or destitute, it's as if "you did it unto me."
A prayer for nurses and those in the health care field:
Heavenly Father,We ask your blessings upon the nurses and all other health care staff.Give them the strength,perseverance and passion to serve, and lift them up if they become discouraged. May they ever be mindful of Our Lord's words, that it is in giving,that we receive.We ask this in Jesus name,Amen.
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