As summer approaches,it becomes the time for weddings. Soon, a Saturday won't go by where you don't see a wedding procession and people gathering outside a church or banquet hall.
The following is for those who say they are Christian and someday hope to be married.
In years past,before the unfortunate introduction of couples writing their own marriage vows,the marriage ceremony reminded couples of two very important points.One was in a prayer said just before the minister declared the couple to be man and wife,it began with: "O God who hast so consecrated the state of matrimony that in it is represented the spiritual marriage and unity betwixt Christ and his Church." This incredible proclamation is based on what St.Paul wrote in Ephesians,the fifth chapter in which he describes marriage as an earthly reflection of the relationship between Jesus and His Church.With that in mind,it would seem unlikely that people wouldn't recognize that marriage is sacred and not to be entered into haphazardly.Sadly, this has not been the case, reportedly, the divorce rate in America is well over 50% and not that much lower for couples who identify themselves as Christian.
One other thing that the traditional wedding ceremony reminded us of was revealed in a quote by Our Lord taken from Matthew,chapter 19,verse 6,it was read just before the end of the service; "Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder." It meant,you were joined together by God,forever! Elsewhere in scripture(Matthew,chapter19),Jesus goes on to declare that divorce and remarriage are allowed, but only under a few very specific circumstances.
If only couples of faith who are considering marriage would keep in mind that marriage is a sacred covenant with God.
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