1.On waking,lift up your heart to God,and the last thing at night commend yourself to Him.
2.Always say your prayers night and morning,and remember during them that you are speaking to God.
3.Try and read, prayerfully,at least a few verses of Holy Scripture every day.
4.Say grace before and after meals.
5.When tempted,ask help of Our Lord at once saying,"Jesus,help me",or some other words.
6.Learn to think,speak and act as in the presence of God.
7.Be moderate and careful as to eating,drinking,sleeping and amusements.
8.Try to say a mid-day prayer.
9.Try and do all you have to do heartily and as to God,and to advance in holiness.
10.Do not speak evil of anyone,nor listen to evil tales about anyone.
11.Try and help others to live better lives,and try to be engaged in some good work for others.
12.Keep Sunday properly.
13.Go to Communion once a month at least.
14.Examine yourself daily,ask pardon,resolve to avoid sins and the occasions of sin.
15.In case of serious sickness send for a minister or Priest to pray for you, and with you.
(from Before the Altar,The Devout Christian's Manual, compiled by Rev.Robert J.Wilson,1903)
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