"Better is a dry morsel with quietness than a house full of feasting with strife."
(Proverbs 17:1).
"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,than a fatted calf with hatred."
(Proverbs 15:17).
The above two excerpts from Proverbs are quite relevant to the age we are now living in.I say this because financial concerns,problems and desires have a profound impact on the way families live and relate to each other in this 21st century.It is now the rule not the exception that both parents in a family are working.Unfortunately, this is not condusive to having happy, well adjusted,loving families.Although there are situations where necessity dictates both parents having to work,it would not be a stretch to say that a significant number of them do so because they want "things",and lots of them.Reports say that we are a nation that is spending more than ever.
Sadly, increased financial committments lead to more than just the necessity of both parents having to work.There comes with it the separation of parents from their children as well as the stress of knowing that you have to continue working to maintain your chosen lifestyle.
The question we all have to ask is,are we controlling our lives or are we being controlled by our lifestyle? Some other things we should ask ourselves: Have we bought into the lie that owning and having more is better? Have we sacrificed time and relationships with our spouses and children simply to have the bigger house,the new cars and all the gadgets and toys? Are we finding that even though we live in a big beautiful house it is not really a home? Do our children and spouse seem to be focused more on other things, than family things?
It is time to count the cost,what truly matters to you? For many,simplifying ones style of living is something that must be done.Is the thought of buying a smaller house and having only one car so a parent can stay at home seem foolish? May God have mercy on you if it does because you have lost sight of what is truly important in life.Our families are gifts from God and we are being disobedient to Him when we choose "mammon" over love.
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