"That the genuineness of your faith,being much more precious than gold that perishes,though it is tested by fire,may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
( a quote from 1st Peter,chapter 1,verse 7).
Challenges,problems,obstacles and tragedies will occurr in the lives of even the most committed Christians.Trials can be a test of our faith as the above quote states.Is it genuine,do we draw closer to God during these times or do we complain and look first to "the world" to save us? Proverbs 3:5 tells us: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Fasting,prayer and scripture reading are the tools to use when problems,crises and tragedy arise.These devotions will bring us closer to Jesus who has promised to give us the strength and comfort to overcome."Here what comfortable words our Saviour Jesus saith unto all who truly turn to Him": "Come unto me all ye that travail and are heavy laden,and I will refresh you." May we always seek Him first.
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