No one would deny that there are many important issues confronting voters that will impact their decision on whom they vote for.The war in Iraq,rising fuel prices,our record national debt,health care,homeland security and increasing dependence on foreign money and products are just a few of the issues.How a candidate stands on the above will determine if he receives your vote.It would be safe to say that ones religious beliefs,or lack thereof,wouldn't have much to do with influencing how you'll vote in the areas just mentioned, the possible exception being the Iraq war.However,there is one area that should separate true Christians from the rest of the other voters,and that is on the issue of abortion.If we profess to be followers of Jesus and are living a life that is in accord with our faith,then abortion is the issue that will always "thin the herd" in our choosing from among a group of candidates.As an aside,I had a friend who was a nurse in a hospital and for a time she worked in labor and delivery.She told me that she never really paid much attention to the question of abortion,that she always went along with the person's right to choose philosophy.Then,she said she had the occasion over a three month period to assist in the delivery of two babies,one was born at just four months,the other was at four and a half months.It was at that time she said she realized that this unseen "thing" was really a person,even at four months,and earlier. Viewing sonograms of mothers-to-be who were two and three months into their pregnancies solidified her belief even more. She said her whole view on abortion changed.
The question becomes,are we guilty of putting on and putting off our faith as it suits us?
If we are, then our faith is a fraudulent one. Also,is this an issue we decide to ignore or compromise on? How can we and call ourselves Christian? This may sound foolish to ask, but, where do you think Jesus stands on the abortion question? We all know the answer to that question.So why would we even consider voting for a candidate that believes in it or accepts the staus quo?
Jesus said so many times that following His way, and not the world's way, would bring scorn,derision,hatred and persecution.Count the cost,"Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?"
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