Bless, O Lord, Thy Holy Church, and all its Bishops and Clergy. Convert all heretics,schismatics, and unbelievers. Have mercy on our country. Pour down Thy blessings on my friends, and enemies,if I have any. Bless my parish. Help the poor,the sick,the sorrowful,the dying, and to the faithful departed grant a full and speedy consummation of peace and blessedness; For Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
(from Before the Altar--The Devout Christian's Manual,compiled by Rev.Robert J.Wilson).
Do we remember to pray for our enemies,those who cause division and those who deny Jesus?
As it is easy to pray for those who love us, we must make a daily effort to pray for the "unloveables".
(from Before the Altar--The Devout Christian's Manual,compiled by Rev.Robert J.Wilson).
Do we remember to pray for our enemies,those who cause division and those who deny Jesus?
As it is easy to pray for those who love us, we must make a daily effort to pray for the "unloveables".
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