Jesus said,"But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery."
(from St.Matthew 5:32).
I would ask,when was the last time you heard a sermon preached on the above? Is it perhaps due to the the fact that an increasing number of clergy and their parishoners are divorced(and have remarried)? Marriage is an earthly portrayal of Our Lord's love for His Church,so it should come as no surprise that Jesus said what He did about divorce. Marriage should be entered into with much consideration and prayer.Unfortunately, in recent years far more planning is done in regards to the wedding itself, many of which are increasingly looking like expensive extravaganzas.Couples must focus on their spiritual and emotional compatibility rather than the superficial aspects of their wedding day. I'd add that Our Lord knows our hearts and the reality that many of us came to a saving faith after having been divorced and remarried previously, before we became aware of God's truth on this matter. Let us remember that He is merciful and loving towards those who are repentant and sincere.
(from St.Matthew 5:32).
I would ask,when was the last time you heard a sermon preached on the above? Is it perhaps due to the the fact that an increasing number of clergy and their parishoners are divorced(and have remarried)? Marriage is an earthly portrayal of Our Lord's love for His Church,so it should come as no surprise that Jesus said what He did about divorce. Marriage should be entered into with much consideration and prayer.Unfortunately, in recent years far more planning is done in regards to the wedding itself, many of which are increasingly looking like expensive extravaganzas.Couples must focus on their spiritual and emotional compatibility rather than the superficial aspects of their wedding day. I'd add that Our Lord knows our hearts and the reality that many of us came to a saving faith after having been divorced and remarried previously, before we became aware of God's truth on this matter. Let us remember that He is merciful and loving towards those who are repentant and sincere.
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