There is little question among scholars that the The Epistle of James was written by the oldest half-brother of Jesus.This book is in some ways reminiscent of the book of Proverbs with its emphasis on Godly behaviour.How James talks about the tongue and the damage it can do is so true and well put.The classic line in this epistle is found in chapter 2,verse 17,"faith by itself,if it does not have works, is dead." Your conversion or profession of faith in Jesus will be shown by your good works.Of course we cannot be "saved" by our own doing but as Jesus said over and over,a believer will just naturally bear the "fruit" of his belief in Him. From this faith and works quote came the title for this blog.
Perhaps the best advice that can be given to aspiring clergy,evangelists and bible teachers is found in James chapter 3,verse1:"My brethren,let not many of you become teachers,knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgement." As a teacher,I find that admonition a bit terrifying.Not to belabor this point but when I see and hear preachers on TV and radio proclaiming Word of Faith,Seed Doctrine,Name it and Claim It and Prosperity theologies I wonder if they have ever really spent time considering James 3:1?
Perhaps the best advice that can be given to aspiring clergy,evangelists and bible teachers is found in James chapter 3,verse1:"My brethren,let not many of you become teachers,knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgement." As a teacher,I find that admonition a bit terrifying.Not to belabor this point but when I see and hear preachers on TV and radio proclaiming Word of Faith,Seed Doctrine,Name it and Claim It and Prosperity theologies I wonder if they have ever really spent time considering James 3:1?
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