Saturday, November 22, 2008

Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude and Appreciation

Because of petty problems and unimportant concerns,we often fail to see how generous life has been with us. It is a marvelous world in which we live. No one can take from us the basic,simple joys of living--the taste of food,the scent of pine trees in the rain,the beauty of a moonlit night,the sound of a waterfall,the colors of a sunset,the joy of loving and being loved. That is to say,no one can really take them away from us,except ourselves. Life's tragedy is not simply the inhumanity of man to man,in the form of concentration camps,exploitation and wars.Life's tragedy is also the torture that we impose upon ourselves because of our failure to accept what is ours.
Life is a gift. "Freely you have received," said Jesus; "freely give." All of the fundamental joys of life are gifts that come to us without having earned them. Most of us remain unaware of this too much of the time.Jesus often emphasized the wonderful gifts that life offers.
(from The Great Religions By Which Men Live by Ross and Hills).
With Thankgiving approaching,may we not forget or ignore the blessings He has given us.

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