As the Christmas season approaches, we again hear of the all to familiar attacks on this holy day taking place around the United States. Whether it pertains to the eliminating of nativity scenes,the banning of Christmas carols and school plays, or the questioning if it is even a legitimate holy day; certain segments of this country have a real problem with Christmas. Interestingly,other faiths and belief systems are rarely challenged. Anybody recall criticism directed towards Kawanza or holy days pertaining to the Muslim and Jewish faiths? Ever see television programs questioning the existence,legitimacy and practices of Islam,or,the Jewish people? Of course you don't. Everything that relates to the Christian faith seems to be fair game for the media and public.Can you imagine the uproar that would arise if some of these slanderous attacks were directed to those other two faiths? Why is this? Jesus once said,"if you love me,the world will hate you." What are they afraid of?
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