Our needs are few and simple----we who seek Life's sweetest joy----in homely things; the little pleasures that can never cloy. These are our needs---a cosy room---a chair beside the fire; a well-loved book--- a quiet hour. What more could we desire? A window that reveals a bit of green---some grass---a tree; plain food---eggs,fruit,a crusty loaf,fresh milk---a cup of tea; warm clothes; stout shoes for rainy days---clean linen in the store; a bed for rest when work is done. No man can ask for more. Lord, grant the day is coming when the poorest man and wife possess the secret riches of the happiness of Life. This is the hidden treasure sought by peasants and by kings---the power to find contentment in the joy of simple things.
(author unknown,excerpted from the magazine, Thy Kingdom Come).
In maintaining closeness to Him, a life of simplicity must be maintained.
(author unknown,excerpted from the magazine, Thy Kingdom Come).
In maintaining closeness to Him, a life of simplicity must be maintained.
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