Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Blessed Discipline

"Discipline is not effective unless it is systematic,for the lack of a system usually betrays a lack of purpose.Good habits are only developed by repeated acts."
"If we are not strict with ourselves,our own flesh will soon betray us."(from No Man is an Island by Thomas Merton).
A frequent complaint from people who attend a place of worship is that they get "nothing" from their faith.This statement usually means they don't feel anything mentally,emotionally or spiritually from their attending.The logical response to this should be,what have you been doing to nurture your faith?Yet another,do you really think that by simply attending church once or twice a week you will obtain spiritual fulfillment? Attending a place of worship is not enough to nurture and experience a real personal relationship with Jesus.That relationship is what the Christian faith is all about.
Prayer,and the reading of scripture, are the key ingredients to achieving a vibrant faith.God speaks to us through His Word,The Holy Bible.Prayer is our way of communicating with Him on so many levels.The introductory quotes by Thomas Merton offer great insight into what a spiritual seeker needs to do.He says; "a lack of a system or discipline in our spiritual life displays a probable lack of purpose." You could probably replace the word purpose with desire.Scripture repeatedly confirms this thought with statements like(paraphrased),you reap what you sow,you don't receive because you don't ask.
The fact of the matter is,is that you get out of something, what you put into it.
All of us need to set aside a regular appointed time each day for what is often called devotional practice.This should be at least as important to us as the time we spend working,in leisure activities and in being with our family.An interesting thing happens when you make a concerted effort to discipline yourself by setting a specific time for prayer and scripture reading.What at first may seem to be an effort or inconvenience,becomes something that you look forward to.In this practice, you will find that you not only draw closer to Our Lord,but each day you will be given the insight and strength to face an increasingly challenging and chaotic world.

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