Friday, October 31, 2008

A Daily Offering Prayer

Eternal Father,I offer you everything I do this day: My work,my prayers,my apostolic efforts;my time with family and friends; my hours of relaxation;my difficulties,problems,distress,which I shall try to bear with patience. Join these, my gifts, to the unique offering which Jesus Christ,your Son, renews each time I take the Eucharist. Grant, I pray, that,enlightened by the Holy Spirit and united to Jesus,my life this day may be of service to you and your children and help consecrate the world to you. Amen.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our Faith in the World

We are to look upon every duty,however humble,as sacred because it is a part of God's service. Our daily prayer should be,"Lord,help me to do my best.Teach me how to do better work. Give me energy and cheerfulness.Help me to bring into my service the loving ministry of the Saviour."
(from The Ministry of Healing).
Our faith is to be reflected in every part of our lives,where we work can be a potential mission field.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Four Sins Which Cry to Heaven for Vengeance

1. Willful murder.
2. The sin of Sodom.
3. Oppression of the poor.
4. Defrauding the laborer of his wages.
(from My Prayer=Book by Rev F.X. Lasance).
Hopefully we have not forgotten the seriousness of sin.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our Heritage

"We,Therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America,in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,do,in the name, and by Authority of the good people of the colonies,solemnly publish and declare....
And for the support of this Declaration,with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,we mutually pledge to each other our lives,our Fortunes,and our sacred Honour."
With the 2008 election soon upon us,it's nice to reflect on the history and committment to faith this country once had. Recognize the above? It's a portion of the Declaration of Independence authored by probably the greatest American who ever lived,Thomas Jefferson.

Monday, October 27, 2008

From Our Founding Father

"The man must be bad indeed who can look upon the events of the American Revolution without feeling the warmest gratitude towards the great Author of the Universe whose divine interposition was so frequently manifested in our behalf. And it is my earnest prayer that we may so conduct ourselves as to merit a continuance of those blessings with which we have hitherto been favored."
( by George Washington 1789).
A beautiful confession and profession of gratitude for blessings given.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

For Peace in the World

Lord Jesus Christ,Prince of Peace, grant us peace throughout the world,that all nations may work together and that there may be an end to war.I ask this,Lord,in your name. Amen.

There are so many conflicts and wars going on in the world, sadly,innocent men,women and children suffer because of the arrogance,selfishness and aggression of those in power. As Christians,we must pray for these people.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

That Peace

"The peace which Christ brings is not a formula for individual escape, nor for egotistical self-fulfilment.There can be no peace in the heart of the man who seeks peace for himself alone.To find true peace,peace in Christ,we must desire others to have peace as well as ourselves, and we must be willing to sacrifice something of our own peace and happiness in order that others may have peace,and that others may be happy."
(from The Monastic Journey by Thomas Merton).
It is in giving that we receive.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Green Bible

Recently there has been a fair amount of attention given to the release of The Green Bible,a version of the Bible which focuses on the necessity of caring for the earth and "saving" the planet from enviromental disaster.On the surface this seems to be a noble endeavor. Who can deny that this world has been profoundly effected by the abuses of mankind through pollution and related abuses? This site has written about what is called enviromentalism(April 27,'08) in the past but there are few things that still need to be said regarding this subject.
Traditionally, the cause of "saving the enviroment" has not been a priority for Bible believing Christians. Enviromentalism, until recently, has had and still does have a counter-culture,pagan, "new-age" aura to it.Rarely do you find zealous enviromentalists involved in traditional Christianity.There are two reasons for this. One, is that too many enviromentalists appear to do what is written of in Romans 1:25, they worship and serve "the creature rather than the Creator".The second reason for this deals with questions pertaining to priorities.Editors from HarperOne who are publishing The Green Bible are quoted as saying: "the most important problem our planet is facing is that our planet is dying." If indeed this statement is true,does anyone really believe this is the most important issue the world is facing? The publishers issued this statement: "The Bible carries an important message about caring for the earth." Oh really,where do you actually see this written of or alluded to in the Bible? The reality is that the Bible is first and foremost about Jesus and what His Redemption means to us and to those who accept Him.When you are truly convicted and begin to follow Jesus,you become a new person. Although you will still sin,you will no longer think primarily of yourself; your world view will change,you will gain a greater degree of compassion for others,and,the world around you.Real Christians,who read their Bibles,should have enough love for God's creation that they would not knowingly ever do anything to harm it.In fact,they will do things that will care for and preserve this beautiful earth. They'll do so because they recognize that "the earth is His and He made it." They'll do so because of a changed heart that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
So, what are we getting at here,that The Green Bible is evil and should be shunned? No. The problem lies in the premise of The Green Bible. It's about "saving" the wrong thing.It should first be about the saving grace that comes through faith in Jesus,that must be the number one priority of any Bible that is ever published.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Question

"And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

I would ask everyone to take a moment and try to guess who they think said the above,was it one of our forefathers, or perhaps a renown clergyman? Unless you are a student of American history I doubt you will know.The quote above is by John F.Kennedy from his inaugural address. If you have any doubts about how far this country has separated itself from God,then honestly consider what newly elected President would have the courage in this day and age to utter the above words.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Follow Him

"As you have therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,so walk in Him,rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith,as you have been taught,abounding in it with thanksgiving.(from Colossians 2:6,7).
To walk in Christ is to live a life patterned after His.
What we read in Scripture should permeate every aspect of our lives and control every thought,word and deed.This is where a true and lasting peace can be found, a "peace that passes all understanding...a peace that the world cannot give."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Prayer For Those Who Live Alone

I live alone,dear Lord,Stay by my side,In all my daily needs Be thou my guide. Grant me good health,For that indeed, I pray,To carry on my work from day to day. Keep pure my mind,My thoughts,my every deed,Let me be kind,unselfish in my neighbor's need.Spare me from fire, from flood,Malicious tongues,From thieves,from fear,And evil ones.If sickness or an accident befall,Then humbly,Lord,I pray,Hear Thou my call. And when I'm feeling low,Or in despair,Lift up my heart And help me in my prayer.I live alone,dear Lord,Yet have no fear,Because I feel your Prescence Ever near. Amen.

Monday, October 20, 2008


"Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins."
(from Proverbs,Chapter 10:12).
"Hate is always picking a quarrel,but love turns a blind eye to every fault."
(from Proverbs,Chapter 10:12, The New English Bible translation).
As Christians we should overlook the sins committed against us.We should also be ready to forgive the hurts,insults and unkindness we've suffered from the words and actions of others.
As He is willing to forgive us,so must we be willing to do so for others.
Our Lord said: "Forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us."
We all know the frightening consequence of not being willing to forgive those who seek our forgiveness.
He will give us the strength to forgive if we sincerely ask Him.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Peace of Mind--Sincerity

Be sincere, truthful, honest, and fair to all; be the master of your passions and emotions; be intent on doing God's will; preserve a clear conscience; then you will have peace with God and man.
(from My Prayer=Book by Rev. F.X.Lasance).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

At The Time of Temptation

Lord Jesus,you know what temptation is like.You know how strongly the wrong thing fascinates me, and how much the forbidden thing attracts me.Lord Jesus,help me not to fall. Help me to remember my own self-respect,and to remember that I cannot do a thing like this.. Help me to think of those who love me, and to know that I dare not bring disappointment and heartbreak to them.
Help me to remember the unseen crowd of witnesses who surround me, and to know that I cannot grieve those who have passed on,but who are ever near.
Help me to remember Your presence, and in Your presence to find my safety.This I ask for Your love's sake.Amen.
We must remember that Jesus was "in all ways tempted," He understands what we go through when we are tempted and He is there for us,we need only to call on Him.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Love of Jesus Above All Things

"Keep thyself with Jesus both in life and death and commit thyself to His care, who alone can help when all others fail.If though couldst but purge himself from affection to creatures,Jesus would willingly dwell with thee.Thou wilt find all that in a manner lost, which thou hast placed in men apart from Jesus. For if thou seek thy comfort and thy gain in others, thou wilt often meet with loss. If in all things thou seek Jesus doubtless thou will find Jesus.For a man does himself more harm if he seek not Jesus,than the whole world and all his enemies could do."
(from My Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis).
The Christian faith is all about a relationship with Jesus,not what denomination you are a part of.Flee from idolatry and an unhealthy dependence on your fellow man.
If you compiled a list of the five greatest spiritual books, excluding the Bible,My Imitation of Christ would be on it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Your Faith,Your Vote

Soon, Americans will be electing a new President.For months citizens of this country have heard what each candidate will do if they are elected. Views on how they will deal with such issues as the economy, hostile countries,the war,court vacancies and the abortion issue are just a few of the things that have been addressed.There appears to be a significant difference between the candidates on most, but not all issues.
As it does with each election,the question arises as to whether or not your faith will be a factor in deciding who you vote for? The answer to that question is really quite simple,it depends. It depends on how you view the Bible.Faiths and individuals seem to regard the Bible in one of two ways. Some look at it as the Word of God,that it is as relevant now as it was when it was originally written. That it contains direction,instruction and guidance, which those who profess to believe in Jesus Christ and what He came to earth for, must still heed. Others regard scripture as the writings of men who were profoundly effected by the cultural, personal views and beliefs of the particular time they were living in. Consequently,this view fosters the belief that although there is much good to be gleaned from the Bible, it is,for lack of a better way of putting it,outdated in many areas. Areas such as sexuality, lifestyle,adultery,marriage and the sanctity of life are a few that come to mind.
So the answer to who will you vote for, should be strongly influenced by how you view the Bible.
How do you regard the Bible? I certainly hope all of us have considered that question because how we do should impact every aspect of our lives.
For those who view the Bible as the unchanging Word of God, picking a candidate is relatively simple.It's simple in the fact that you know who you can't vote for. You can't vote for someone who doesn't believe in the sanctity of human life. You can't vote for someone who endorses practices that end life and hearken back to the most heinous behaviours of now fallen regimes. Well, you can't and still claim that you believe the Bible is His unchanging Word.
May He give us the strength and wisdom to follow His way in everything that we do.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Examine Yourself

"In the morning resolve, in the evening examine thy performances, how thou hast behaved this day in word, work, or thought; because in these, perhaps, thou hast often offended God and thy neighbor."
( from My Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis).
In this modern and busy age we live in, the gift of self-examination at the end of the day seems to have been forgotten. It is however essential to the spiritual growth of an individual to do so.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Christian Apostle's Prayer

Almighty and eternal God, may Thy grace enkindle in all men love for the many unfortunate people whom poverty and misery reduce to a condition of life unworthy of human beings.
Arouse in the hearts of those who call Thee Father, a hunger and thirst for social justice and for fraternal charity in deeds and in truth. Grant, O Lord, peace in our days, peace to our souls, peace to families,peace to our country,peace among nations. Amen.
(a prayer by Pius XII).
May we not forget the misery that exists in this world and the fact that the majority of people go to bed not having enough food or adequate shelter.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

An Ancient Irish Prayer

I offer thee Every flower that ever grew, Every bird that ever flew,Every wind that ever blew.
Every thunder rolling,Every church bell tolling, Every leaf and sod.
I offer thee Every wave that ever moved,Every heart that ever loved,Thee,thy Father's Well-Beloved.
Every river dashing,Every lightning flashing,Like an angel's sword.
I offer thee Every cloud that ever swept O'er the skies, and broke and wept In rain, and with the flowerets slept.
Each communicant praying, Every angel staying Before thy throne to sing.
I offer thee Every flake of virgin snow,Every spring of earth below,Every human joy and woe,
O Lord! And all thy glorious Self o'er death victorious,Throned in heaven above.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Book of Common Prayer,1928

'The Book of Common Prayer is, next to the Bible,the most important literary monument of the reformation of religion, and second only to the Bible it has been the greatest force in the development of the Anglo-Saxon character. With the advent of the Prayer Book, the services of the Church were no longer wrapped in a dead language, but stood out in the glowing speech to be used and understood by all. It was common to the King, or to the President and to the most humble person in the nations.It is the Book of Common Prayer, common to all who desire to use it in the Service of Worship of Almighty God.

Do we understand our Book of Common Prayer? We must first realize that it was very deliberately and carefully planned. This book could not and does not contain anything which does not conform and which is not in harmony with Holy Scripture."

(from The National Significance of the Book of Common Prayer byLt.-Col. J.G. Wright).

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy

1. To feed the hungry.
2. To instruct the ignorant.
3. To counsel the doubtful.
4. To comfort the sorrowful.
5. To bear wrongs patiently.
6. To forgive all injuries.
7. To pray for the living and the dead.
(from My Prayer=Book by Rev. F.X. Lasance).

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prayer of a Housewife

Dear Lord, help me in the task of keeping house, that it may always be a work of love and that I may provide a home for those I love where they will find comfort, understanding and love.
Teach me to find time in my daily work to think of God, to pray to Him and give Him thanks. Help me to make work itself a prayer to God's glory. Help me to make my home and my heart a home for Jesus. Teach me to be as loving,kind, dignified and diligent as Mary was.
I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grant Us O Lord

Grant,O Lord,
peace in our days,
peace to our souls,
peace to families,
peace to our country,
peace among nations. Amen.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Works and Faith

"The spirit of unselfish labor for others gives depth, stability and Christlike loveliness to the character, and brings peace and happiness to its possessor. The aspirations are elevated. There is no room for sloth or selfishness. Those who thus exercise the Christian graces will grow and will become strong to work for God. They will have clear spiritual perceptions,a steady, growing faith, and an increased power in prayer. The Spirit of God, moving upon their spirit, calls forth the sacred harmonies of the soul in answer to the divine touch. Those who thus devote themselves to unselfish effort for the good of others are surely working out their salvation with fear and trembling."
For a true believer,with faith there will naturally come works.These works will strengthen and deepen our faith

Monday, October 6, 2008

Prayer of a Worker

Lord, Jesus Christ, I offer you today all my work, my hopes, my sorrows and joys. Grant me the grace to remain close to you today, to work with you and to do all that I do for your honor and glory. Help me to love you with all my heart and to serve you with all my strength. Help me, Lord, to give a full day's work for a full day's pay. Help me to respect the property of others, to be honest in dealing with those involved in this task, and to put forth effort with personal interest. Give me the spirit of charity that I may contribute to the happiness of all those whom I work and when the job is done, grant us all a peaceful rest. Amen.
In this day and age the workplace has increasingly become a test of the depth and strength of our faith.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Family Prayer

Our Father,we thank you for your love and for the many good things you have given to our family. Help us to show our gratitude by loving each other as you love us. Give us patience and understanding to bear with one another---generosity to share our joys and sorrows---honestly to admit our faults and correct them. We entrust our family to your Fatherly care and protection. We ask that we may grow daily in wisdom and grace, that some of us be granted the privilege of following your Divine Son in the priesthood of religious life, and that all of us may one day share with you the joys of Heaven. Amen.
Now more than ever there needs to be daily prayer for families.
Remember the time when mothers would pray that a son might be called to the ministry?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Do Not Fear

Do not fear what may happen tomorrow.
The same loving Father
Who cares for you today,
will care for you tomorrow
and everyday.
Either He will shield you
or He will give you
unfailing strength
to bear it.
Be at peace,then,
and put aside all
anxious thoughts
and imaginings.
(by St.Francis de Sales).
There is something very special about the prayers and writings of the saints from yesteryear.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Power of Prayer

The day was long,the burden I had borne seemed heavier than I could longer bear. And then it lifted---but I did not know some one had knelt in prayer. Had taken me to God that very hour, and asked the easing of the load, and He, in infinite compassion, had stooped down and taken it from me. We cannot tell how often as we pray for some bewildered one,hurt and distressed,the answer comes, but many times those hearts find sudden peace and rest. Some one had prayed, and Faith, a reaching hand, took hold of God,and brought Him down that day! So many,many hearts have need of prayer,Oh let us pray.
(author unknown).
When was the last time you prayed for those you didn't know,you just prayed for someone out there who might be going through a difficult time?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Prayer Before Bed

The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make His face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace, this night and ever more. Amen.
(from The Book of Common Prayer,1928 Edition).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Instructions to the Rich

"Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works,ready to give,willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life."
(from 1st Timothy,Chapter 6).
Over and over again in the Bible we are cautioned that riches and possessions can lead us away from a relationship with God.