Monday, April 7, 2008

Not of This World?

It is written in various ways and instances throughout scripture that we are to be in the world,but not of the world.In Romans chapter twelve,verse two, we are instructed that we are not to be conformed to this world.The Bible teaches that the world's ways are not His ways.It only takes a look at your television for an hour or so to confirm this statement.
Some questions we should ask ourselves: Are we like the rest of the world in the way we live,act and talk? Do we have the same interests,priorities and ambitions as everyone else? Have we really been transformed by the renewing of our mind which comes from a total surrendering of our will to Him?
People who reject a true Christian faith often say they do so because it's restrictive and inhibiting.However,we read throughout scripture what many who have rejected it have found out too late,that a life centered on self, having "things", and being entertained is an empty and unfulfilling life.Instruction on how we are to live abundantly, is given to us by Jesus in His summary of the Law.We are first to, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , with all thy soul and with all thy mind." Then we are to, "love thy neighbor as thy self." When you daily try to live the way He commands, it influences every aspect of your life in a positive way,you no longer look at yourself,other people and the world the same. You achieve a peace,a peace that passes all understanding. A peace that the world and all it's riches cannot give.A peace that comes from above.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank your for this it reminded me of the truth of the world and living in it.