Monday, May 5, 2008

Cult or Cultish?

Recent coverage by the media concerning an off-shoot of the Mormon church described as a cult, has led people to ask, what is a cult? For many,when they hear the word cult they think of Charles Manson and his followers,"Moonies",Jehovah's Witnesses,Heaven's Gate or Jim Jones and Jonestown. They would be correct in labeling the above people and groups as either cults or cult leaders.You can find detailed explanations of what constitutes a cult from a variety of sources online and publications available in Christian bookstores.Cults form for a variety of reasons and purposes.They are controlling of their members in subtle and sometimes not so subtle ways.Usually, they are centered around a charismatic leader who espouses particular spiritual or religious beliefs. What many people don't realize is that faiths,churches and religious sects can have cultish aspects to them.They can have viewpoints and ways of operating that are as misleading and damaging to the people involved as do the high profile cults that have been reported by the media in recent decades.A big mistake people make is in believing that a religious cult is only made up of "weirdos" or people wearing robes.For instance,a seemingly "normal" church can possess distinctly cult-like features.What follows are a few things that should cause concern if you hear or read of a religious group proclaiming them.One,when they say they have the truth or more of it than any other group.Next,when they say their leader or certain members have been privy to divine revelations from God.Not surprisingly,this is where their peculiar slant on portions of scripture that are outside the realm of orthodoxy is justified.Lastly, when they tell you if you are not a part of their group,or if you leave it,you are separated from God and your salvation cannot be assured.
More cultish characteristics could be given but the basic indicator is,is that any religious group that makes any one of the two following statements should be avoided like the proverbial plague:"we have the truth, and the others don't,"or, "we have been given more of God's truth than the other faiths."
What sensible people who find themselves involved in churches that have cultish traits forget,is that the Christian faith is all about a relationship between you and Jesus,not you and a particular church.Your way of living,talking and acting should come from a desire to follow Our Lord,not from the dictates or fear of a particular group or church.Membership in a church is never a guarantee of ones salvation.Unfortunately,people who become members of cults or cultish churches have something in common with those who embrace unscriptural doctrine,they do not "search the scriptures." Consequently,they will give someone else,someone with an agenda,the right to influence the most important relationship they will ever have.
May we "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling."

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