Today marks the one year anniversary of Works From Faith and the final post. It has been my pleasure to be able to offer prayers, insights,quotes and writings this past year.It's been a blessed discipline indeed. Those who desire to lead a holy life understand the necessity of discipline in their quest to draw closer to Him. I would encourage everyone who comes upon this site and is unfamiliar with it to look at the older postings from 2008. You can begin if you wish with the four early ones from the end of February 2008 and continue from there. You will notice that on the right side of this page is a listing of the postings for the month,2009 and 2008. Scroll down the page a little till you see 2008,click the triangle next to it and this will display the months for that year. Choose a month and all the titles will be displayed. I gave a lot of thought to the words that were written, as well as the prayers and quotes chosen.
Some things I've become more aware of as this year has passed.
1. Each day you awaken is a gift from God and an opportunity,it is your choice as to how you will use this opportunity. 2.Follow Jesus' admonition and not worry about tomorrow,focus on and appreciate this present moment in time. 3. Don't leave your salvation and relationship with Jesus in the hands of another person or organization. Faith is a personal relationship with Jesus, not membership in a particular Church. 4. Do not send money or support television,radio or mega "ministries". If you research,as I have, even the most seemingly honest ministers and ministries, you will find they live like kings and queens....on the donations of others.For instance, America's "pastor to the Presidents" and his son make $425,000.each a year.For what? Others make much,much more. For those who doubt this, I would suggest that you simply do a google search of ministers and their organizations and you will be shocked and disheartened. Give your money to your Church to support its activities and functions, or, consider charitable organizations that are in need. 5.If you believe abortion is an acceptable practice,you are not a Christian, no matter what you may think. 6. The Bible was written for an audience who had much less education than anyone in this country today. Knowing that, ask yourself, do we really need all the books and commentaries out there explaining to us what's in the Bible when we can readily know for ourselves? 7.And finally,live simply.Too many things,too many activities,draw you away from a deep relationship with Our Lord.
A closing prayer:
The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make His face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace,this night and evermore. Amen.
Some things I've become more aware of as this year has passed.
1. Each day you awaken is a gift from God and an opportunity,it is your choice as to how you will use this opportunity. 2.Follow Jesus' admonition and not worry about tomorrow,focus on and appreciate this present moment in time. 3. Don't leave your salvation and relationship with Jesus in the hands of another person or organization. Faith is a personal relationship with Jesus, not membership in a particular Church. 4. Do not send money or support television,radio or mega "ministries". If you research,as I have, even the most seemingly honest ministers and ministries, you will find they live like kings and queens....on the donations of others.For instance, America's "pastor to the Presidents" and his son make $425,000.each a year.For what? Others make much,much more. For those who doubt this, I would suggest that you simply do a google search of ministers and their organizations and you will be shocked and disheartened. Give your money to your Church to support its activities and functions, or, consider charitable organizations that are in need. 5.If you believe abortion is an acceptable practice,you are not a Christian, no matter what you may think. 6. The Bible was written for an audience who had much less education than anyone in this country today. Knowing that, ask yourself, do we really need all the books and commentaries out there explaining to us what's in the Bible when we can readily know for ourselves? 7.And finally,live simply.Too many things,too many activities,draw you away from a deep relationship with Our Lord.
A closing prayer:
The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make His face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace,this night and evermore. Amen.
1 comment:
Hard to believe it has been nine years since this Blog ended--it reflects where I was spiritually at that time. I am still a true believer but my doctrine has changed in many ways. I continue to be zealous for the truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures!
Please go to my Facebook Page that will be up and running March 1, 2017--it is called --The End of Days--not surprisingly-- there is another page with that same name---You will know which one is mine when you see a Clock ticking towards 12 midnight on the title page.
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