In this day and age we see different sects and denominations within Christianity sniping at each other for not worshipping or holding to the same beliefs as they do. Too often, the not too subtle inference in these criticisms is the belief that "we have more of the truth than you do", that "our faith is more pleasing to God than yours is". A sad state of affairs if there ever was one,a perfect example of the triumph of ego over humility.
The basics of the Christian faith is this, Jesus is the Son of God and His death,redemptive work and our belief in what He did opens for us a vast world of promises,not the least of which is the promise of eternal life.Variations in worship and style are really the only difference between mainstream faiths and denominations. Yet, many of them will still insist they are more pleasing to God then the others(faiths). Although they may not come right out and say it,the inference is clearly there. Those who doubt this, I would ask that they carefully read the literature of these groups with an open mind.
Christianity is all about a relationship with Jesus---NO faith, denomination, or sect has a more direct line to Our Heavenlty Father than any sincere believer has.
The basics of the Christian faith is this, Jesus is the Son of God and His death,redemptive work and our belief in what He did opens for us a vast world of promises,not the least of which is the promise of eternal life.Variations in worship and style are really the only difference between mainstream faiths and denominations. Yet, many of them will still insist they are more pleasing to God then the others(faiths). Although they may not come right out and say it,the inference is clearly there. Those who doubt this, I would ask that they carefully read the literature of these groups with an open mind.
Christianity is all about a relationship with Jesus---NO faith, denomination, or sect has a more direct line to Our Heavenlty Father than any sincere believer has.
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