Saturday, May 31, 2008
His Mercy
"It is only the infinite mercy and love of God that has prevented us from tearing ourselves to pieces and destroying His entire creation long ago.People seem to think that it is in some way a proof that no merciful God exists,if we have so many wars. On the contrary,consider how in spite of centuries of sin and greed and lust and cruelty and hatred and avarice and oppression and injustice,spawned and bred by the free wills of men,the human race can still recover,each time,and can still produce men and women who overcome evil with good,hatred with love,greed with charity,lust and cruelty with sanctity.How could all this be possible without the merciful love of God,pouring out His grace upon us."
(By Thomas Merton from The Seven Story Mountain).
Friday, May 30, 2008
For the Spirit of Prayer
O Almighty God,who pourest out on all who desire it,the spirit of grace and of supplication; Deliver us,when we draw nigh to thee,from coldness of heart and wanderings of mind,that with stedfast thoughts and kindled affections,we may worship thee in spirit and in truth;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
(from The Book of Common Prayer,1928 edition).
Thursday, May 29, 2008
"Rejoice in the Lord always.Again I say rejoice!"
(From Philippians 4:4).
Ever gotten a real break or opportunity?Perhaps it was a job promotion,extra money or an unexpected gift.Remember how appreciative you felt at the time? That feeling of thankfulness lasted for awhile but it gradually faded.It's human nature to forget about the gifts and blessings we have been given.Most of us have to make a conscious effort to remind ourselves of how fortunate we are.The cares of this life have a way of doing that to us all.
In regards to our salvation,we must always be aware of what a fantastic gift it is, and all that is promised with this gift from God.Scripture tells us repeatedly that despite the hardships here on earth, we have the comfort of knowing that as Christians we will be joined in eternal life with Him; something so incredible, the human mind cannot fully comprehend what it will be like.This gift we have been given should lead us to be deeply thankful and exude a joy that will make others wonder what it is we have. 1Thessalonians 5:16 says: "Rejoice always,pray without ceasing,in everything give thanks;for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." May His will be done.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Psalm of Praise
Praise ye the LORD.
Praise ye the LORD from the heavens:
praise him in the heights.
Praise ye him, all his angels:
praise ye him, all his hosts.
Praise ye him, sun and moon:
praise him, all ye stars of light.
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens,
and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Let them praise the name of the LORD:
for he commanded, and they were created.
He hath also stablished them for ever and ever:
he hath made a decree which shall not pass.
Praise the LORD from the earth,
ye dragons, and all deeps: fire, and hail; snow, and vapor;
stormy wind fulfilling his word: mountains, and all hills;
fruitful trees, and all cedars: beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl: kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:let them praise the name of the LORD:for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.Praise the Lord!
(Psalm 148)
Let us praise He who created everything.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Needed Prayer
O merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of any sinner, but rather that he be converted and live; Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy Word; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
(An Anglican Prayer). The above prayer has fallen out of fashion in these politically correct times,but, to deny its relevancy is to deny the words of Jesus.
Monday, May 26, 2008
As Little Children
Then Jesus called a little child to Him,set him in the midst of them,and said,"Assuredly I say to you,unless you are converted and become as little children,you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven.Therefore,whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."
(Gospel of St.Matthew,Chapter 18).
Jesus says much in these three verses about what is needed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.We must be like a child as it pertains to our faith;totally trusting and dependent on the words and person of Jesus.How different that is when you compare these verses to what too often passes for faith today.Some Christian denominations and "theologians" have helped turn faith into something that is complex,where there seems to be a dispute over every jot and tittle of scripture.For instance,hundreds of books have been written arguing whether or not there will be a pre-trib or post-trib rapture.In the grand scheme of things,does it really matter? Where does it rate when compared to the necessity of say,a Christian loving his enemies and the necessity of his bearing the fruit of his faith? Granted,there are the essentials of Christian doctrine that cannot be ignored or compromised,but, a preoccupation with every minute passage of scripture does not foster a child-like faith.Too many people have been made miserable by what they perceive as as the demands of their faith.Could this be because they fail to recognize the need to "become as a child"?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
A Prayer for the Morning
O My God,Thou knowest my poverty and weakness,and that I cannot do anything good without Thee.Deny me not Thy help; proportion it to my needs.Give me strength to avoid everything evil,and to think,say,and do what is good,and enable me to bear patiently all the trials which it may please Thee to send. Amen.
(from Before the Altar,The Devout Christian's Manual by Rev. Robert J.Wilson,1903).
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Something to Imitate
He is truly great who is great in charity.He is truly great who is little in his own eyes and holdeth as naught the pinnacle of honor.He is truly prudent who looks upon all earthly things as nothing that he may gain Christ--(Phil.III 8).
And he is very learned indeed who does the will of God and renounces his own will. (from The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis.)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Changing or Unchanging
Do you remember when the New Testament was viewed as inspired by God and to be taken literally? Sadly,over the past several decades,as man has increased in worldly wisdom,his view of scripture has changed.It is increasingly being thought of as something that contains instruction and mores that were relevant only for the time it was written.Not surprisingly,this opinion fits quite nicely with a culture that has become increasingly corrupt and perverse.Of course, real Christians recognize that the Bible is the unchanging Word of God,we see this clearly stated throughout the Bible.For example, in 2Timothy,chapter 3 we read,"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,and is profitable for doctrine,for reproof,for correction,for instuction in righteousness,that the man of God may be complete,thoroughly equipped for every good work."
The reality is,if you choose to explain away or dismiss one passage in the New Testament,you can do so with any.A good example of this would be John Shelby Spong, a retired "bishop" in the Episcopal Church USA and prolific writer.In the '70's, he was known for disputing established opinion on doctrine pertaining to women and sexuality.By the 90's he evolved into someone who called St.Paul a self-loathing homosexual and denied the divinity of Jesus.The question we need to ask ourselves is,do we be believe the earlier quote from 2nd Timothy? Also,do we believe that 1st Timothy,chapter 2,verses 11 and 12,as well as Romans 1,verses 27 and 28 are still relevant? If you think these passages represent a time and worldview that has passed,than you can dismiss anything else in the Bible.
People who are truly Christian,not those who have been called the cafeteria type,those who pick and choose the portions of the Bible they wish to obey,are fleeing from churches and faiths that have departed from "the faith once delivered unto the saints."
May we remember that the Bible changes men,that men can't change the Bible to fit their needs and desires.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A Prayer for Friday Morning
O Lord save me from myself.Save me from my own,private,poisonous urge to change everything,to act without reason,to move for movement's sake, to unsettle everything You have ordained.Let me rest in Your will and be silent.Then the light of Your joy will warm my life.Its fire will burn in my heart and shine for Your glory.This is what I live for. Amen.
(by Thomas Merton from A Book of Hours).
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Be Wary!
While watching a program recently on one of the religious networks,I came across an "evangelist" making an impassioned plea to viewers to tithe a tenth of their earnings to God via his ministry.It was a shameful display of greed and distortion of scripture that is all too commonly seen on religious cable networks.
In making his "pitch" on the necessity of tithing,this "preacher" repeatedly quoted from the Old Testament to justify his point of view.Predictably,he finished with a familiar quote used by all those wishing to have their audience give,and give more.He went to the last book of the Old Testament,Malachi,and read the following from chapter 3,verse 8 in a somber and ominous tone:"Will a man rob God?Yet you have robbed me! But you say,In what way have we robbed you? In tithes and offerings." As an aside,the reality is,is that nowhere in the New Testament are believers instructed to give a tenth of their earnings.In the Old Testament though, there are very specific commands on how,when and how much you are to give.Observing this so-called man of God giving his slant on tithing reminded me of a responsibility that all those who call themselves Christians have,and that is to prove all things you hear and read.Are passages used to make a point being taken out of context,are they even relevant to the New Covenant church?Too many faiths,denominations,sects and careers have been borne from some person's interpretation of portions of scripture.You see examples of this all over.One only has to look at the Messianic movement and the 300+ off-shoots of the original Worldwide Church of God to understand.These groups validate their belief in keeping a Saturday Sabbath and the Jewish Feasts by lifting quotes that validate their beliefs, and explaining away the others(like Colossians 2:16)which show that they are in error.
Scripture tells us that we are to prove all things(1 Thessalonians 5:21).This is a command and a responsibility for all believers.
As a postscript,the New Testament example of tithing is given by Jesus in His account of the widow's mite,and,the fact that giving is a part of a Christian bearing the fruit of his faith.If we keep these two things in mind,we'll never have to worry about "robbing God."
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Meditation for a Wednesday Morning
Monday, May 19, 2008
Our Offering to God
"Take my life and Let it be Consecrated,Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days
Let them pass in endless praise.
Take my eyes and let them see
Souls that may be saved for Thee.
Take my hands and let them move,
At the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be, Bent on works of love for Thee.
Take my voice and let me sing, Prayers and praises to my King.
Take my moments and my days
Let them pass in endless praise.
Take my eyes and let them see
Souls that may be saved for Thee.
Take my hands and let them move,
At the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be, Bent on works of love for Thee.
Take my voice and let me sing, Prayers and praises to my King.
Take my lips and let them be, Filled with messages from Thee.
Thus my life will truly be, Consecrated,Lord,to Thee."
( by St.Augustine)
Thus my life will truly be, Consecrated,Lord,to Thee."
( by St.Augustine)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Unequally Yoked
"Do not be unequally yoked together with with unbelievers.For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?And what communion has light with darkness?"
(from 2 Corinthians,chapter 6,verse14).
Recently the above quote was used by someone in reference to a Christian marrying a non-Christian.Few would disagree with the wisdom of heeding this advice.I think we can all see the potential for conflict when a Christian seeks to pursue a relationship with someone who doesn't hold to the same interests,values and beliefs.
First Corinthians has other references to Christians keeping separate from those who walk contrary to God.The admonition about being unequally yoked does not only pertain to couples.It also applies to the people we choose to have as our friends,business partners or any other relationships that could be described as close.I would quickly add that this doesn't mean we are to avoid people who aren't Christian,on the contrary,we are to be living examples of the love of Jesus,willing to listen,help and counsel anyone as the opportunity presents.However,in His love for us and knowing our human nature,Our Lord recognizes the potential problems and conflicts that arise when Christians have sustained close relationships with unbelievers.The Bible has much to say on the subject of keeping separate as well as how He regards a professed believer being "of the world." Jesus said we are to be in the world but not of this world.We would all be wise to study and understand what this entails.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Rule of Life
1.On waking,lift up your heart to God,and the last thing at night commend yourself to Him.
2.Always say your prayers night and morning,and remember during them that you are speaking to God.
3.Try and read, prayerfully,at least a few verses of Holy Scripture every day.
4.Say grace before and after meals.
5.When tempted,ask help of Our Lord at once saying,"Jesus,help me",or some other words.
6.Learn to think,speak and act as in the presence of God.
7.Be moderate and careful as to eating,drinking,sleeping and amusements.
8.Try to say a mid-day prayer.
9.Try and do all you have to do heartily and as to God,and to advance in holiness.
10.Do not speak evil of anyone,nor listen to evil tales about anyone.
11.Try and help others to live better lives,and try to be engaged in some good work for others.
12.Keep Sunday properly.
13.Go to Communion once a month at least.
14.Examine yourself daily,ask pardon,resolve to avoid sins and the occasions of sin.
15.In case of serious sickness send for a minister or Priest to pray for you, and with you.
(from Before the Altar,The Devout Christian's Manual, compiled by Rev.Robert J.Wilson,1903)
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Prayer Before a Journey
Memorial day marks the beginning of the vacation season.The following is a great prayer to say before leaving.
"O God,Who didst guide the Children of Israel by a pillar of cloud and fire,and didst lead the Wise Men by the shining of a star,be to us,we beseech Thee,a Light to lighten our darkness,granting us a holy and prosperous journey,a safe arrival at the place where we would be and in Thy good time bring us to the haven of eternal salvation,through Jesus Christ,Our Lord. Amen."
(A prayer from the book, The Practice of Religion,1908).
Thursday, May 15, 2008
When Undergoing Trials,Remember
"That the genuineness of your faith,being much more precious than gold that perishes,though it is tested by fire,may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
( a quote from 1st Peter,chapter 1,verse 7).
Challenges,problems,obstacles and tragedies will occurr in the lives of even the most committed Christians.Trials can be a test of our faith as the above quote states.Is it genuine,do we draw closer to God during these times or do we complain and look first to "the world" to save us? Proverbs 3:5 tells us: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Fasting,prayer and scripture reading are the tools to use when problems,crises and tragedy arise.These devotions will bring us closer to Jesus who has promised to give us the strength and comfort to overcome."Here what comfortable words our Saviour Jesus saith unto all who truly turn to Him": "Come unto me all ye that travail and are heavy laden,and I will refresh you." May we always seek Him first.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Of Things Seen and Unseen
"We are under the illusion we know everything.We think we know the reason behind every secret,behind every miracle."
(a quote from Acharya Rajneesh,philosopher).
Man,in his arrogance, believes that if he or science cannot prove the existence of something,then it cannot possibly be real.Perhaps we have been spoiled,modern technology in recent decades has discovered things about this planet and creation that were previously unknown.In addition,we have also made incredible technological advances.Repeatedly in the media we see and hear the mindset in regards to matters of faith; "if we can't see it, then we won't believe it."
Scripture tells us that there are some things we won't have a concrete explanation for,we read: "we walk by faith,not by sight," and, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen." Protestant theologian John MacArthur writes,"True faith is not based on empirical evidence but on divine assurance and is a gift of God." May Our Lord provide us with the opportunity to proclaim our faith in things not yet seen to those He brings our way.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Leave it Up to Him
"On every occasion of uneasiness,we should retire to prayer,that we may give place to the grace and light of God and then form our resolutions,without being in any pain about what success they may have."(a quote by John Wesley,Anglican priest,founder of Methodism).
Faith and trust are the keys to having a fulfilling relationship with Jesus. Psalm 34:8,"Blessed is the man who trusts in Him."
Psalm 2:12,"Blessed are all those who put there trust in Him."
Hebrews,chapter 11, shows what having and maintaining faith in God accomplished for the mentioned Old Testament heroes.They are examples for us to emulate.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Your Faith,Your Vote
No one would deny that there are many important issues confronting voters that will impact their decision on whom they vote for.The war in Iraq,rising fuel prices,our record national debt,health care,homeland security and increasing dependence on foreign money and products are just a few of the issues.How a candidate stands on the above will determine if he receives your vote.It would be safe to say that ones religious beliefs,or lack thereof,wouldn't have much to do with influencing how you'll vote in the areas just mentioned, the possible exception being the Iraq war.However,there is one area that should separate true Christians from the rest of the other voters,and that is on the issue of abortion.If we profess to be followers of Jesus and are living a life that is in accord with our faith,then abortion is the issue that will always "thin the herd" in our choosing from among a group of candidates.As an aside,I had a friend who was a nurse in a hospital and for a time she worked in labor and delivery.She told me that she never really paid much attention to the question of abortion,that she always went along with the person's right to choose philosophy.Then,she said she had the occasion over a three month period to assist in the delivery of two babies,one was born at just four months,the other was at four and a half months.It was at that time she said she realized that this unseen "thing" was really a person,even at four months,and earlier. Viewing sonograms of mothers-to-be who were two and three months into their pregnancies solidified her belief even more. She said her whole view on abortion changed.
The question becomes,are we guilty of putting on and putting off our faith as it suits us?
If we are, then our faith is a fraudulent one. Also,is this an issue we decide to ignore or compromise on? How can we and call ourselves Christian? This may sound foolish to ask, but, where do you think Jesus stands on the abortion question? We all know the answer to that question.So why would we even consider voting for a candidate that believes in it or accepts the staus quo?
Jesus said so many times that following His way, and not the world's way, would bring scorn,derision,hatred and persecution.Count the cost,"Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?"
Sunday, May 11, 2008
A Prayer for Bedtime
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Psalm for Sunday Morning
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,nor standeth in the way of sinners,nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord;and in His law doth he meditate day and night.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,that bringeth forth its fruit in his season;whose leaf shall not wither;and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."(from Psalm 1,verses 1-3).
Words to heed,with the blessings comes a promise.
Friday, May 9, 2008
As You Did It To One of the Least of These...
I was told today that the week we are now in is National Nurses Week.Anyone who has spent more than a few days in a hospital or health care facility recognizes that being hospitalized these days can be a most difficult experience.I am not just referring here to the physical problem that led you or a loved one to be hospitalized.Financial concerns and issues have caused hospitals to change in ways that have not necessarily been favorable for the patient.In addition,the face of nursing has changed.At one time,the overwhelming reason that people became nurses was to help others.Now,studies show that money is the chief motivating factor.Nursing does indeed pay well,but we all know that when money is the incentive in a vocation whose focus is on people,something is lost.
If you are ever hospitalized,it is always a blessing to have someone who genuinely cares for your well being looking after you; a person who is able to put aside the reality that they are working with not enough support staff and still focus on your condition.One of the hardest things for someone who has been a nurse for a while and works in the demanding enviroment of a health care facility, is not to lose empathy for the patient.It is vital that they don't lose sight of the fact that although this person may be one of many they'll see today,they will recognize that they are in need physically,emotionally and spiritually.Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew chapter 25,that when you help those who are sick,in jail, or destitute, it's as if "you did it unto me."
A prayer for nurses and those in the health care field:
Heavenly Father,We ask your blessings upon the nurses and all other health care staff.Give them the strength,perseverance and passion to serve, and lift them up if they become discouraged. May they ever be mindful of Our Lord's words, that it is in giving,that we receive.We ask this in Jesus name,Amen.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
"The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness."
(a quote by William Blake,English artist and poet).
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
It's More Than Just Getting Married
As summer approaches,it becomes the time for weddings. Soon, a Saturday won't go by where you don't see a wedding procession and people gathering outside a church or banquet hall.
The following is for those who say they are Christian and someday hope to be married.
In years past,before the unfortunate introduction of couples writing their own marriage vows,the marriage ceremony reminded couples of two very important points.One was in a prayer said just before the minister declared the couple to be man and wife,it began with: "O God who hast so consecrated the state of matrimony that in it is represented the spiritual marriage and unity betwixt Christ and his Church." This incredible proclamation is based on what St.Paul wrote in Ephesians,the fifth chapter in which he describes marriage as an earthly reflection of the relationship between Jesus and His Church.With that in mind,it would seem unlikely that people wouldn't recognize that marriage is sacred and not to be entered into haphazardly.Sadly, this has not been the case, reportedly, the divorce rate in America is well over 50% and not that much lower for couples who identify themselves as Christian.
One other thing that the traditional wedding ceremony reminded us of was revealed in a quote by Our Lord taken from Matthew,chapter 19,verse 6,it was read just before the end of the service; "Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder." It meant,you were joined together by God,forever! Elsewhere in scripture(Matthew,chapter19),Jesus goes on to declare that divorce and remarriage are allowed, but only under a few very specific circumstances.
If only couples of faith who are considering marriage would keep in mind that marriage is a sacred covenant with God.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Walking the Talk
"It is not complicated to lead the spiritual life,but it is difficult."
(from The Sign of Jonas by Thomas Merton).
Prayer,praise,repentance, the reading of scripture,works,and the bearing of fruit,are all key activities for one desiring to lead a spiritual life.
The difficulty is that we can't forget that these acts must become a part of our being,something we do spontaneously,almost without thinking or planning.
It is always a blessing when someone completely surrenders his life to Jesus and the above mentioned devotions become a joy to do, not a chore.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Cult or Cultish?
Recent coverage by the media concerning an off-shoot of the Mormon church described as a cult, has led people to ask, what is a cult? For many,when they hear the word cult they think of Charles Manson and his followers,"Moonies",Jehovah's Witnesses,Heaven's Gate or Jim Jones and Jonestown. They would be correct in labeling the above people and groups as either cults or cult leaders.You can find detailed explanations of what constitutes a cult from a variety of sources online and publications available in Christian bookstores.Cults form for a variety of reasons and purposes.They are controlling of their members in subtle and sometimes not so subtle ways.Usually, they are centered around a charismatic leader who espouses particular spiritual or religious beliefs. What many people don't realize is that faiths,churches and religious sects can have cultish aspects to them.They can have viewpoints and ways of operating that are as misleading and damaging to the people involved as do the high profile cults that have been reported by the media in recent decades.A big mistake people make is in believing that a religious cult is only made up of "weirdos" or people wearing robes.For instance,a seemingly "normal" church can possess distinctly cult-like features.What follows are a few things that should cause concern if you hear or read of a religious group proclaiming them.One,when they say they have the truth or more of it than any other group.Next,when they say their leader or certain members have been privy to divine revelations from God.Not surprisingly,this is where their peculiar slant on portions of scripture that are outside the realm of orthodoxy is justified.Lastly, when they tell you if you are not a part of their group,or if you leave it,you are separated from God and your salvation cannot be assured.
More cultish characteristics could be given but the basic indicator is,is that any religious group that makes any one of the two following statements should be avoided like the proverbial plague:"we have the truth, and the others don't,"or, "we have been given more of God's truth than the other faiths."
What sensible people who find themselves involved in churches that have cultish traits forget,is that the Christian faith is all about a relationship between you and Jesus,not you and a particular church.Your way of living,talking and acting should come from a desire to follow Our Lord,not from the dictates or fear of a particular group or church.Membership in a church is never a guarantee of ones salvation.Unfortunately,people who become members of cults or cultish churches have something in common with those who embrace unscriptural doctrine,they do not "search the scriptures." Consequently,they will give someone else,someone with an agenda,the right to influence the most important relationship they will ever have.
May we "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling."
Sunday, May 4, 2008
"Better is a dry morsel with quietness than a house full of feasting with strife."
(Proverbs 17:1).
"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,than a fatted calf with hatred."
(Proverbs 15:17).
The above two excerpts from Proverbs are quite relevant to the age we are now living in.I say this because financial concerns,problems and desires have a profound impact on the way families live and relate to each other in this 21st century.It is now the rule not the exception that both parents in a family are working.Unfortunately, this is not condusive to having happy, well adjusted,loving families.Although there are situations where necessity dictates both parents having to work,it would not be a stretch to say that a significant number of them do so because they want "things",and lots of them.Reports say that we are a nation that is spending more than ever.
Sadly, increased financial committments lead to more than just the necessity of both parents having to work.There comes with it the separation of parents from their children as well as the stress of knowing that you have to continue working to maintain your chosen lifestyle.
The question we all have to ask is,are we controlling our lives or are we being controlled by our lifestyle? Some other things we should ask ourselves: Have we bought into the lie that owning and having more is better? Have we sacrificed time and relationships with our spouses and children simply to have the bigger house,the new cars and all the gadgets and toys? Are we finding that even though we live in a big beautiful house it is not really a home? Do our children and spouse seem to be focused more on other things, than family things?
It is time to count the cost,what truly matters to you? For many,simplifying ones style of living is something that must be done.Is the thought of buying a smaller house and having only one car so a parent can stay at home seem foolish? May God have mercy on you if it does because you have lost sight of what is truly important in life.Our families are gifts from God and we are being disobedient to Him when we choose "mammon" over love.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
A Prayer for the Morning
O God,the King eternal,who dividest the day from the darkness,and turnest the shadow of death into the morning; Drive far off from us all wrong desires,incline our hearts to keep thy law,and guide our feet into the way of peace; that having done thy will with cheerfulness while it was day,we may,when the night cometh,rejoice to give thee thanks;through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
(from The Book of Common Prayer,1928 Edition).
May Your will be done in me,by me and through me.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Lest We Forget
Thursday, May 1, 2008
His Omnipresence
"There is not a flower that opens,not a seed that falls into the ground,and not an ear of wheat that nods on the end of its stalk in the wind that does not preach and proclaim the greatness and the mercy of God to the whole world.
There is not an act of kindness or generosity, not an act of sacrifice done,or a word of peace and gentleness spoken,not a child's prayer uttered,that does not sing hymns to God before His throne,and in the eyes of men,and before their faces."
(from The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton).
Can the human mind truly comprehend the totality and omnipresence of God?
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